The Road to The Future: application/xhtml+xml
I found out that my valid XHTML 1.0 webpages are NOT really handled as XML, but as text/html. This doesn't sound good. XHTML is supposed to be an special type of XML. I tried to change the MIME type to application/xhtml+xml. The webpages can be loaded properly, but when they are still treated as text/html (Mozilla users can press Ctrl + I to view the page information. I guess this must be that my IIS web server is not configurated properly (or IIS doesn't support application/xhtml+xml? No idea...)
However, even if you can successfully deliver your valid XHTML as application/xhtml+xml, don't be so happy yet. Remember there are tons of users using the almighty evil Internet Explorer. Remember how standard incomplicant it is. It can't handle CSS properly, so not to mention application/xhtml+xml!
SMart users like you and me should try something else, like Mozilla (for die-hard fans of Netscape and power users), Mozilla Firebird (for speedy users), Opera (for even more speedy users who don't mind Adware), and Safari (for rich users who use Mac OS X).
Edited: I also found that this little blog is using application/rss+xml... What... But it is still treated as text/html by Mozilla... so... isn't it silly?
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